
Illuminating and Interrogating Hawaiʻi’s Monuments

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The HTY(Hawaii Theater for Youth) cast and crew

Spearheaded by Eric Johnson and Moses Good


Non HTY Developers 

Andrew Towl

3D modeling, Texturing, Animation, UI, UX, Programming, AR implementation and Unity develpment

Danial Shatzeder

IOS and Unity development, publication, UI, UX, video encoding,

AR implementation

Kari Noe

Unity Develpment, Art Asset 2D/ 3D, Animation, UI creation

and implementation 


Non HTY Artists 

Solomon Enos

Design, Art Assets 2D/3D

Kiʻi Ā Loaʻa: 



Ki'i A Loa'a is a collaboration between a diverse group of artists, actors, musicians and programers giving cultural perspective to monuments on O'ahu.

Using image targets and precise measurements of local monuments we created bespoke AR experiences giving new perspective to both the Queen Lilikuolani and King Kamehameha statues on O'ahu.

User's can download the free cross-platform app and visit the monuments any time of day for four unique stories at each statue.


Visit the official Site