
Made as a one week prototype for XRBootcamps Rapid Prototyping Course. Each student had a week to come up with a concept then program the prototype. The app was developed for Quest 2, and makes use of Meta's hand tracking, scene understanding, passthrough and spatial audio SDKs. Cubes are placed around the user's room and the user is alerted as to which cube is active via audio cue. The player then uses hand gestures to fire lasers at the incoming cubes or can dodge them. Under the gun this was a fun experiment using Quest 2's capabilities. 


3D models, animation, XR implementation, programing, music, SFX, Graphics, UI, UX

Duck, Dodge, Dive, Duck!

One week sprint prototype for XRBootCamp




The goal of this sprint was to work with Meta's Hands SDK, spatial audio and scene understanding to create an immersive XR experience that is tailored to the player's physical space.

At the start, the application places sonic cubes around the players room, putting 4 cubes on each pre-determined wall. At random intervales each cube makes a sound alerting the player that it will start moving toward them and they need to shoot or dodge it.

By making a "finger guns" hand gesture the player can shoot the cube before it hits them, or hold their palm up to make a shield to block incoming cubes. They must destroy all cubes and not get hit to win the game.

Use your hands to block and blast cubes positioned around your physical space and try not to get hit.

To complete the game loop it was importent to set a goal and challenge. So multiple difficulty levels changed the speed of each cube, the amount of warning time before each cube started to move, and the number of times a player could use their shield.